Are Aligners Better Than Braces?

Clear Aligner

Clear aligners are often recommended for patients who want to avoid having braces, but still, make some adjustments in their bite. It is important to note that they do not work for everyone and may need adjusting throughout the treatment process. This blog post will explore what clear aligners are, how they work, and whether or not you should get them. There is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to teeth alignment; however, if you’re interested in straightening your teeth without getting traditional metal braces then this article might be of interest! In this article, Dr. Mojaver of Alignbar breaks down what clear aligners are and how they work before providing my opinion on whether or not a patient should choose them over a more conventional option like braces.

What Is a Clear Aligner?

A clear aligner is a series of clear plastic trays that are used to gradually straighten out your teeth. Each set of clear aligners consists of anywhere between 6-20 clear plastic trays, with each tray being worn for about two weeks before moving on to the next one. This process is recommended to be done full-time, or 24/7 for around 6 months or more depending on what you and your dentist decides would be best for your unique situation. Clear aligners were made popular by Invisalign but there are also other brands available.

How Does It Work?

As you slip on a new clear aligner every two weeks, the clear plastic will slowly shift your teeth into place. There is no cutting (like with braces) and there is no pain involved (unlike clear braces). This process takes time though and may not be suitable for everyone, so please research clear aligners thoroughly before deciding if this treatment route is right for you! Also, note that clear aligners don’t work for everyone so it might take a few tries before finding the solution that works right for you.

How Much Do Clear Aligners Cost?

The clear aligner treatment is a great alternative to metal braces, but it can often be quite expensive depending on what country you live in and if any discounts are available. Most clear aligners cost between $2000 – $4000 per series so it’s important to decide whether or not this route will be feasible for you. Many people choose clear aligners because they’re discreet and don’t catch as much attention as traditional metal braces do, however, keep in mind that clear plastic may interfere with daily life activities such as playing sports or kissing! Finally, clear aligners do take time to straighten your teeth so please think about how much free time you have before committing to a set of clear aligners.

Why Clear Aligners Are Better Than Braces?

  1. Clear aligners are removable, so you can eat and drink whatever you want
  2. They’re also much more comfortable than braces because they don’t rub against your teeth or gums
  3. You can still wear them at night to keep your teeth straight while sleeping
  4. The cost of clear aligners is less expensive than the cost of braces over time
  5. There’s no need for a retainer after treatment, which means there’s one less thing to worry about every day!


The clear aligners are a great option for anyone who is looking to improve their smile without the need for metal braces. This type of orthodontic treatment requires an initial investment but pays off in the long run with fewer visits, more comfort, and improved aesthetics. If you’ve been considering getting clear aligners in San Diego, schedule your appointment with Alignbar! They offer personalized consultations. AlignBar is the first of its kind; the first practice that specializes in clear aligners only and offers lifetime maintenance programs!

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